New Released 1/700 PE Parts of Rayden Models
日本Rayden Models新產品 1/700 Structures Series 日本國鐵軌道組 Trackway of Japanese National Railways 這是好朋友新開發的蝕刻產品,1/700的日本國鉄軌道組.個人覺得相當適合1/700港區的情景佈置,所以推薦給大家.(目前已在日本新上市,台灣應該近期也會上架.) 產品主要分成3種: WSJ01:直線,叉線. WSJ02:曲線,貨車*2 WSJ03:直線,叉線. New released 1/700 PE parts of railway sets PE parts made by my friend. I think it's well to layout your port diorama. There are 3 kinds of these sets: WSJ01:Type A Strait and Carrefour truckway. WSJO2:Curve(Including Dump Car*2) WSI03:Type B Strait and Carrefour truckyway . Welcome Connect Rayden Models