艦船模型スペシャルNo.52 終於收到來自Model Art雜誌社的配書了,感恩+感謝~! 每每看到自己長久創作的作品能在此間領域裡屬全球知名的媒體刊物上公開刊載,沉悶的長久作業就像是久旱甘霖,喜悅滿懷而久久不能自己. 這一次又是全篇記事中最長的15頁長篇,7,8個月的努力見到了成果,開心!! 尤其這次藉由描述高雄港的情景作品,將高雄港文史帶進作品中,讓日本讀者朋友們藉由欣賞作品,也更進一步認識台灣,認識高雄,為自己身為台灣人做出一點點促進觀光的努力,更開心!! 如果能讓懂日文的台灣與全球讀者,藉由此次 ⋯⋯ 的作品欣賞而能更了解在日治時期的高雄港與新濱碼頭文史,甚至進一步欣賞艦艇與模型的美,那就超級無敵開心了~~ 總之,對自己來說,這是一次成功的作品,欣慰了~~ Recieved the magazine from Model Art,thanks to Model Art. This time I present my diorama work what appears Takao Harbor at Taiwan(named Kaoshung Harbor today) as 1944 in this issue. This is a successful workpiece to me because I tried to bring the history of Takao Harbor into the workpiece.For Taiwanese readers,I hope it shows beauty of ships and scale-model.For readers of Japan and other countries,I hope it shows how the history of Takao Harbor and Taiwan was. It looks very successful as what longest pages of 15pgs to published in this issue. So happy and thanks to the publisher Model Art.Especilly thanks Master Naoichi Kinushima,a very important teacher...