1/72 GLOSTER GLADIATOR 格鬥士 製作記-3 座艙篇cockpit (C) 終於把座艙週邊都搞定了,接下來才是真正開始動工這組MATCHBOX 1/72 格鬥士的套件. 本篇首先是延續上一個階段的工程,以膠板再自製一個儀表總成.參考了所有已經獲得的資料,勉強做出一個考證程度大概只有70%的儀表.為什麼不是100%?因為過程中有判斷錯誤的地方,也有受限於工具的因素,還有眼力的負荷,於是錯誤的部份將錯就錯,只能求整個儀表搭配上的合理與協調.畢竟還是僅僅1/72的比例啊~~~~ This Matchbox's 1/72 GLADIATOR is a very old and very easy kit .It is almost empty inside the cockpit.For build this 1/72 plane as best,I scrutch-built close-70% kits in this control room.They including a control board,a seat,and some other details. After the cockpit details completed,then the processing this small plane just begin. 儀表 Control Board 駕駛座 Seat 假組的右側 right-side of pre-assemble 假組的左側 left-side of pre-assemble 試著組裝進機身 try to assemble in the body