倚天既出 誰與爭鋒
虎 嘯 長 空
The professional model blog by Jason Lai
虎嘯長空是本會副會長大人Airboss(Jason Lai)兄所成立的個人部落格.Airboss兄是精通各類型模型的專家,小版許多模型與軍事相關知識都還是向他請教而來呢!舉凡航太,艦船,陸戰,科幻,汽機車(尤其是F-1),鐵道等等,Airboss兄都有涉獵,其中專精者更是不少.虎嘯長空其實成立也有不少時日了,無奈Airboss兄忙於工作,無暇上傳新物.此次認真的整理了許多珍藏的資料,相信是各模型同好們之福.尤其是早年許多曾刊載在模型藝術雜誌中的精采作品,在往後相信將會一一再現於虎嘯長空中.喜愛航太模型的同好們尤其要特別注意這位小弟戲稱"倚天既出,誰與爭鋒"的Airboss兄精采的Blog演出囉~~
Mr.Jason Lai is the vice-chairman of Model Family.He is interesting in lots kind of models what including airplane,ship,military equipment,imagination,robot,automobile and motorcycle.Most of them are especially Mr.Jason's majors.
The airboss(Jason's blog) built for a long time in fact.Because of busy business,Mr.Jason had never add more datas for it.Finally we can see more informations or his works on the airboss now.Especially his beautiful and top aero-works what ran on the famous Taiwanese model magazion named "Model State Of The Art".
Ladies and gentleman ,let me introduce for you! Mr.Jason Lai~~~
Here,Mr.Jason's model blog:
Thank you all,and have a nice trip~~