1/350 TAKAO Process-1
1/350 IJN Heavy Cruiser TAKAO 1944 重巡 高雄 "Aoshima+Flyhawk" Building Guide 製作日誌 Part-1 鷹翔的改套已經到齊,上一個製作計畫也已經完成,接著就是這一艘1/350日本海軍重巡洋艦 高雄的復工作業了!! 但是很可惜,目前尚未購得1944年型的高雄套件,只得以先前上市的1942年型的套件來開工製作. 1/350 IJN Heavy Cruiser TAKAO is my next plan.I will build this ship-model from kits by Aoshima and Flyhawk . Unfortunately,I only have a TAKAO kit in 1942 type ,so I decided that the process will be from 1942 TAKAO kit change to 1944 type. 本次作例搭配了鷹翔甫上市,針對高雄1944年型的改套.由於此改套內容數量太多,也太過於精密複雜,說明書大概無法一一詳載每個零件詳細的裝載位置,所以如果您有興趣的話,或許可以隨著小弟的作例一步一步將每個零件組裝到位.我將盡可能以step by step的方式讓大家對製作步驟一目了然,幫助您順利將您的愛艦順利完成. This time I choose the hot-adapted-kit set by Flyhawk to detail up my work. (In fact,this product is a excellent collaboration by Veteran Models and Flyhawk .) For the reason of abundant parts,Perhapes you ca...