1/700 情景作品「入港」完成誌
1/700 情景作品 [入港] 完成誌
Diorama [To the harbor]
"Hamasen" port at Takao Harbor,Formosa.1944.
Finished in Oct.02/2013.
作品編號Work List Number:
SOLD 已售出
Magazine Published 雜誌刊載.
幸得恩師 衣島尚一老師的提攜,以及Model ART雜誌社各同仁們的協力合作,使此作得以在亞洲最有名的艦船模型季刊雜誌上刊載發表,以15頁豐富且圖文並茂的方式向日本讀者們介紹此作的製作過程,以及高雄港的歷史,在此敬上無限的感謝.
So grateful to be guided by my teacher Mr.Kinushima,and partners who of Model Art magazine to work in concert,made this work to be published on the quarterly,and introduced my work and history about Takao Harbor(Kaoshung Harbor today) to Japanese readers.
1944年,太平洋戰爭末期下的台灣高雄港.根據行動年表,日本海軍水上機母艦 秋津洲 於此年(1944年)9月13日進入高雄港整備,翌日出港前往馬尼拉港.
1944,Takao Harbor which located at Formosa in the late of the Pacific War.According to the moving reference of IJN seaplane tender AKITSUSHIMA,she moved into Takao harbor to reorganize and outfit at Sep.13th this year,and off the harbor on her way to Manila.
This work was built to simulate and appear on the day shown.
Th first,let's understand the Takao Harbor in the past through these pics.
2 postcards what published in the period under Japanese rule show a prosperous scenery in the past time.
22°37'08.6"N 120°16'27.0"E
This pic shows the port under bombed by US bombers ,the time was just at about 1 month later after diorama work's time.
Details of diorama