Project 1/144 SS-237 USS Trigger1945 -1

           Project 1/144 SS237 USS Trigger 1945 
 1/144美國海軍貓鯊級潛艦 SS237 Trigger1945製作計劃
                 Kit Review & References 
                 Trumpeter 1/144 1941 Ver.
                 Trumpeter 1/144 1944 Ver.   
              AFV CLUB 1/350 GATO CLASS 

本次的製作計畫是1/144 二戰美國海軍Gato級潛艦中編號 SS-237的 USS Trigger.雖然規格上屬於Gato級,不過如果仔細研究的話,Gato級潛艦仍然細分有各種沿生型,並且每一艘在各個年代的改裝後細節仍然各有所不同.這一次由於特殊原因而有指定製作的比例與艦名,因此首先針對指定艦作考證,並選擇適合的套件來製作與改造.
The project this time is 1/144 SS-237 USS Trigger of Gato Class.the ship even though belongs to Gato Class,but there were some several types and different details appear to those of ships.By the reason of commissioned work this time so the assignment in 1/144 "SS-237 USS Trigger" .  
There are 2 kits for 1/144 scale Gato Class kits released by Trumpeter,they are 1941 ver. and 1944 ver.Most parts of those 2 kits are same,just few parts are different. 
First of all,let's check out  reference book and kit review. and then select from those parts for modify to "USS Trigger" as well.

The main guide book with reference 主要參考書籍與網站

關於USS Trigger的網站 Page about USS Trigger:

Trumpeter 1/144 Gato Class kit review

A. Kit of 1941 Ver.
                                                                                (all parts)                                                                                          ( Deck lines different to Gato Class 1944 )

                                                                       (Bridge of 1941 Ver.)                                                             (Holes dirrerent to 1944)                   

(the gun which unknown type....)

B. Kit of 1944 Ver.
                                             (Box art)                                                 (All Parts)                                             ("D" & "C" parts are totally same as 1941 ver.)

The 1944 ver. hull parts has 2  lines of holes more then 1941 Ver. ,and the deck parts are same.

Cut down bridge

除了上述這2組套件以外,針對Gato級潛艦不管在考證度或是刻模的精細度都勝過Trumpeter的另外還有AFV CLUB出的1/350 GATO Class 1943年版,構型近似於本次製作的主題USS Trigger,因此筆者也一併做個開盒報告來互相比較一下.
Except Trumpeter's 2 kits above,there is a 1/350 Gato Class kit which released by AFV CLUB . Even though it's in 1/350 but better than 1/144 trumpeter's 2 kits in everyting ,and more closely similar to USS Trigger,so I also make a kit review to check it on.

1/350 Gato Class Submarine kit review (AFV CLUB)






透過上面的照片,可以看出1/350 AFV CLUB在細節的表現明顯高出1/144 Trumpeter的刻模甚多.
Through photos above,1/350 AFV CLUB's Gato is more better than 1/144 Trumpeter's in details.

接著再來檢證一下套件的正確性.本次製作的主題主要是參考Squadron所出版的In Action系列Warships No.28 Gato-Class Submarines.特別是其中的一張關於USS Trigger最終狀態的側視圖.
Then we checking out these kits in correctness.What I reference by main book is the Warships No. 28 Gato-Class of "In Action" series published by Squadron.Especially by a colorful side view of last of USS Trigger in the book.
以及,「Navsource」網站中關於USS Trigger的艦史記述與重要照片資料.
And,the very important references source website about USS Trigger : 

1.Anchor Hole & weepholes at freeboard艦橋前乾舷排水孔位.
It shows there are 2 hole-lines above those bigger holes-line underneath and down beveled to the bow.
Another,the lower edge of anchor hole is close to water line.

                                                                               1/144 1941 ver.                                                                                           1/144 1944 ver.
                                   There are not 2 upper weephole-lines.And anchor holes are smaller.        There are 2 upper weephole-lines but with wrong angle,and the anchors are also small.
                                       可以看到1941年版的舷側沒有上方的2列排水孔且錨位太小.           1944年版的船體零件,舷側有2排小排水孔,與實艦接近,但卻成水平角度,仍然是錯誤的.

1/350 AFV CLUB 1943 Ver.

By the compare kits above,I decided to choose hull parts of 1941 ver as the ship body to build and to modify.

2.Weepsholes at freeboard of amidships and stern艦舯與艦艉乾舷上的排水孔.

According to reference,there are many holes at freeboard of  amidships and stern.As photos above shown, the part of 1944 ver. appears holes molded basically even though not really correct  but easier to modified  so  I will choose it to assemble.

Those holes what un-molded and incorrect will be fixed and drilled out.錯誤的孔位與沒有刻模出來的孔位都將重整與開孔.

Correction:After more studied and discussed,we decided to fix those holes according to the picture below that taken in Nov,1944.(2016/05/18)

Both of the deck-lines of 1941ver. and 1944 ver. were molded of wooden strips.

But according to the references of Gato Class,especially in last period of WW2.There were some Gato Class's ships were installed of steel-plates deck with lots of small holes where at nearby the bow and the stern like AFV CLUB's 1/350 Gato Class as.(3 photos above) 
According to page of USS TRIGGER of Website「Navsource」,there are some photos of what before USS Trigger's last patrol taken by Mr.Bob Adams,those of photos show that USS Trigger installed wooden strips infront of bridge,and installed steel plates with small holes after her  4" deck gun which located on after bridge.To compare with incorrect model parts,it need to be fixed almost at all.
然而根據資料顯示有許多Gato Class的船上甲板艏艉部分是被安裝著帶有細孔的鋼製甲板,就像上面3張圖示的AFV CLUB 1/350 Gato Class的刻模般.根據「Navsource」網站中,幾張由攝影師Bob Adams在該艦甲板上攝得,USS Trigger在1945年3月離開關島後的最後倩影照片資料顯示,該艦的艦橋前甲板應為長條形的木板結構,而艦橋後(位於後部主砲之後)的甲板則為帶孔鋼甲板結構.對照模型的甲板刻模大多不符合考證,必須想辦法整修.

2 photos taken by Bobs Adams in March,1945.Show the wooden deck at the area before bridge,and the steel deck after 4" deck gun .(photos from "Navsource")
上面兩張照片於1945年3月由Bob Adams所攝的該艦沉沒前最後照片系列,清楚可見艦橋前為木甲板,而艦橋後的主砲之後則是鋼甲板分佈.


Another 2 differences have to be fixed.另外上有這2個與實際相違處必須修正.\

4. Conning Tower,Bridge.

(1/144 1944 ver.1944年版)Even though parts of 1944ver. is still  something incorrect but it will be used to be based on modify to USS Trigger's type.
雖然1944年版的套件在型式上與細節上仍與USS Trigger有所不同,不過這裡仍然將以此版零件進行修改.

 Cigarette deck where different to the model parts.前機槍甲板(吸菸甲板),套件不同於實艦之處.

艦橋外型比對 Compared kit with reference.

By contrast AFV CLUB's 1/350 Gato Class is more close to USS Trigger's bridge type,and details are better.
相對而言,AFV CLUB的1/350 Gato Class套件中的艦橋型式更接近USS Trigger,細節也比較好. 

5. Deck Gun
USS Trigger equiped a 4",50cal deck gun as her main gun,and placed to after the bridge at her last configuration.
USS Trigger裝備有一門4英吋50倍徑潛艦用艦砲作為她的主砲,原本是裝置在艦橋前,但在最終狀態時移置到艦橋後.

Trumpeter's parts looks like nothing,I think I have to build it with scratch-build.

6. 20mm Oerlikon Mount *2
USS Trigger equiped 20mm Oerikon AA GUN *2 ,one at cigarette deck where before bridge,another one installed at front main deck,in her last configuration.About Trumpeter's parts....hmm,forget about it...
USS Trigger於最終狀態時裝備有2挺單管奧利岡20mm對空機槍,一座裝於前機槍甲板,另一座裝於前主甲板原主砲位置.至於套件...另外想辦法...

7.  40mm Bofors Mount.*1

左圖為USS Trigger1944年8月的照片,清楚顯示40mm伯佛斯砲的裝置位置.不過1/144套件中無此砲,必須想辦法自製.
Left photo above was taken in August,1944.It shows where the 40mm Bofors Mount was.But the gun isn't in the Trumpeter's kit,needs to scratch build too. 



  1. 小號手的貓鯊級已是十年前的東西, 當年小號手的東西細節的確不太怎樣, 這船小的也也做過, 這是在下的劣作:-

    小號手的線條跟實艦的確有些出入, 而注水(排水)孔聽說後來為了加快下潛速度, 所以實艦後期才開為兩排或三排的

    而甲板指揮塔的形狀, 除了有如模型般有前後期的形態, 另外最後期生產的, 指揮塔體積再進一步減少, 所以外形也再有些差別

    如要細節好些的套件, 看來非做REVELL 1/72那套不可..哈哈





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