Project 1/144 SS-237 USS Trigger1945 -2(bridge)
The bridge.艦橋.
1.Port side左舷.
4.後視 Rear view:
5.各部細節 Details:
a. conning tower:
b. Radar,late SJ.後期型SJ雷達
c.後期型SD天線. Late SD Antenna
d.人員圓形護欄 Round railings( *5 total)
Port side
g. Railings
(Front deck)
( arc-shaped railings on rear-deck )
((Railing where rear-part ))
About railing where rear-part,what original I built was a straight line(as pic above) ,but I considered how to operate those caissons so the straight-line railing could become in a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere. Because of that is illogic so I think it could be arc designed.According to a scintilla of evidence (as pic below),I decided to build it as arc-shaped.
h. Side lamp
i. Control boxes
j. the chair on rear-cigarette deck
k. antenna-tripod both of 2sides
Other pics of model
